Map of campsites along the path of the total eclipse 2017

About this map

The total eclipse was the most awesome phenomenon I’ve ever witnessed. It was just mindblowing to stare directly at the sun and its corona. And what better way to enjoy the eclipse than to camp out somewhere in one of the national/state parks? That’s the idea of this map, to help choose campsites along the path of totality. I will be updating this map in 6 years (I hope!!!) and you can check out which campsites you should reserve to enjoy the eclipse in 2024.

The codes

This map was done using Leaflet and Shiny in R. Full code on Github.

Install the packages

# goal: map campsites along the eclipse pathway
# using: shiny, leaflet
# source:

#keeping packages and R up-to-date
update.packages(oldPkgs = pkgs)

#packages required
pkgs = c(
  "sp",       # spatial data classes and functions
  "ggmap",    # maps the ggplot2 way
  "tmap",     # powerful and flexible mapping package
  "leaflet",  # interactive maps via the JavaScript library of the same name
  "mapview",  # a quick way to create interactive maps (depends on leaflet)
  "shiny",    # for converting your maps into online applications
  "OpenStreetMap", # for downloading OpenStreetMap tiles 
  "rasterVis",# raster visualisation (depends on the raster package)
  "dplyr",    # data manipulation package
  "tidyr"     # data reshaping package

#install only packages that's not installed yet
(to_install = pkgs[!pkgs %in% installed.packages()])
if(length(to_install) > 0){

Add the eclipse shape from NASA

I used the upath17.shp file.


#create object to hold the projection
crswgs84=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")

#create object

#explore the type of object

#This object has 5 slots – data, polygons, plotOrder,bbox, proj4string

#plot the shapefile

Import list of campsites from Kaggle

There are some wrong data points so we need to clean up the file. We then use the gcontain function from the rgeos package to check whether a campsite is inside the path of totality.

camps <- read.csv("[your_file_path]", header=T) 

#clean up dataset: remove unecessary columns, 
camps_clean <- camps[,5:9]
camps_clean <- unique(camps_clean)
#remove empty/na rows
camps_clean <- camps_clean[rowSums( == 0,]
camps_clean <- camps_clean[!(camps_clean$FacilityName=="COTTONSHED PARK (AR)"
                            | camps_clean$FacilityName=="POUND RIVER CAMPGROUND (VA)"
                            | camps_clean$FacilityName=="KANER FLAT CAMPGROUND"),]

#check if the polygon contains a location

#loop to check if the eclipse polygon contains the location of a camp
#get size/dimensions of table camps_clean
camps_clean$in_path <-0

for (i in 1:count[1]){
  p <- SpatialPoints(list(camps_clean$FacilityLongitude[i],camps_clean$FacilityLatitude[i]), proj4string=crswgs84)
  camps_clean$in_path[i] <- gContains(eclipse,p)
#if gcontains is true then the location is in the polygon

# subsetting the table into 2 groups: one on the path and one not on the path
camps_no_path <-camps_clean[camps_clean$in_path==0,]
camps_path <-camps_clean[camps_clean$in_path==1,]

Putting everything together!


#put 4 layers together
m <- leaflet() %>%
  # addTiles() %>% 
  # cannot use just addtiles because of a bug when exporting, resulted in no base map
  addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap.Mapnik") %>%
  addPolygons(data = eclipse, color="purple") %>% 
  addCircles(data=camps_no_path, lng = ~ FacilityLongitude, lat = ~ FacilityLatitude
                            , color = "blue"
                            , popup = paste("Camp name:", camps_no_path$FacilityName, "<br>",
                                            "State:", camps_no_path$AddressStateCode, "<br>",
                                            "Lng:", camps_no_path$FacilityLongitude , "<br>",
                                            "Lat:", camps_no_path$FacilityLatitude )) %>% 
  addCircles(data=camps_path, lng = ~ FacilityLongitude, lat = ~ FacilityLatitude
                           , color = "red"
                           , popup = paste("Camp name:", camps_path$FacilityName, "<br>",
                                           "State:", camps_path$AddressStateCode, "<br>",
                                           "Lng:", camps_path$FacilityLongitude , "<br>",
                                           "Lat:", camps_path$FacilityLatitude ))

# export to html
saveWidget(m, "eclipse.html")